X-ray Crystallography Lab
X-ray Crystallography Lab


Site: International Union of Crystallography
Description: Aims to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of crystallographic research, to facilitate standardization of methods, units, nomenclatures and symbols, and to form a focus for the relations of crystallography to other sciences.

Description: Comprehensive list of Crystallography links and resources. Institution: International Union of Crystallography

Description:: CIF is a subset of STAR (Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval format [1]). The CIF format is suitable for archiving, in any order, all types of text and numerical data. The goals of CIF are to explore its generality, upward compatibility, flexibility, and to incorporate these in electronic publication. Institution: Rutgers University

Site: Molecular Structure Corporation
Description: Manufacturer of crystal X-ray instrumentation, equipment and software. Also a commercial X-ray structure laboratory for the small molecule and protein fields.
Site:X-Ray WWW Server
Description: Repository of the COREX bibliography and database, the Henke atomic scattering factors, and other information of interest to x-ray spectroscopists. Institution: Uppsala University

Site:American Crystallographic Association
Description: Cooperative corporation for US crystallographers, with 11 Special Interest Groups concerned with Materials Science, Biological Macromolecules, Neutron Scattering, Small Angle Scattering, Small Molecules, Amorphous Materials, Fiber Diffraction, Service Crystallography, Synchrotron Radiation, Young Scientist and General Interest. -

Site Description
bionet.xtallography General crystallography newsgroup.
sci.techniques.xtallography Another general crystallography newsgroup.
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