Advanced Crystallography at High Pressure
July 19-22, 2009, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
This conference will cover the whole range of activities of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Commission on High Pressure: Crystal structures and phase transitions, new materials, Earth and planetary science,
soft and biological matter, physical and chemical properties, theory and computation, technique developments for
high pressure studies on synchrotron, neutron and laboratory-based facilities. The conference will follow the
sequence of meeting organized by the IUCr Commission on High Pressure (ESRF 1998, Argonne 1999, Spring-8
2000, Orsay 2002, Berkeley 2003, Saskatoon 2004, Dubna 2006, Oxford 2007).
Topics to be covered:
Crystal structures and phase transitions
Magnetic crystallography and physical properties
Earth and planetary science
Liquids and non-crystalline materials
Polymers, proteins and biological systems
Materials synthesized under high pressures
Theory and computation
Neutron, synchrotron and laboratory techniques for high-pressure studies
Welcome to Harbin!
Updated: Mar. 25, 2009 by Haozhe Liu